CPS4/Z3ECM sprint, day 1, short report


The sprint has started yesterday with notable guests Jean-Marc and Dario from Chalmers, Joachim from AixtraWare, and Michael from OpenApp, and a bunch of Nuxeo guys.

The goal is still to provide Zope3 ECM components for CPS4

Yesterday morning was spent discussing the AJAX and JavaScript MVC features of CPSSkins v3 (more info in Jean-Marc's numerous messages in the mailing list, or on the z3lab website).

Then we had a discussion about the JCR content model and the JCR schemas for documents (JackRabbit's CND).

In the afternoon, work has proceeded in pairs or small groups.

Florent and Dario have investigated existing schemas sytems and are trying to find a common subset. Now, they will code and write an importer for the JCR schemas.

Lennart and Michael are looking on how to plug the Zope3, Twisted-based, publisher into Zope2.

Jean-Marc, Tarek and Joachim are working on AJAX and CPSSkins. They have created small package of all the ressources used by cpsskins so that they can be reused in CPS. The goal now is to instanciate de Zope 3 CPSSkins utilities in Zope 2, look for breakages, and fix them.

Bogdan is working on Apogee integration through ICE.