Open Source
Une avalanche d'articles sur les logiciels libres (dans la presse anglo-saxonne)
Red Hat
En vrac et sans entrer dans les détails:
If Linux Is Free, Why Is Bob Young Smiling?
Analysis: Software in free fall
(Is Netscape mad to give away something for nothing, or is there money in free software?)
Linux: Not Just For Geeks And College Kids Anymore (ZDNet)
A new tactic for browser war (The Boston Globe)
Apache: Peaceful Web Warriors (ABC News).
Red Hat Linux 5.0: Infoworld 1997 product of the year (operating systems).
Linux user community: Infoworld 1997 product of the year (best technical support award).
Source code for the masses.
Making money with free software
Evolution of a Net community
(un historique du logiciel libre).
Netscape Decision Could Alter Software Industry (NY Times)
. (Parle aussi de Linux.)
Netscape "open system" seen encouraging builders
. (Parle aussi de Linux.)
A Titanic challenge to Microsoft (MSNBC!)
. (Allusion aux effets spéciaux du film de J. Cameron.)
Linux, a reliable service and it's free (Irish Times)
Red Hat Linux users to get telephone support (SunWorld)
(contient une estimation du nombre de systèmes Linux installés en 1997, d'après un consultant du groupe IDG).
Why Microsoft is vulnerable
NT Server Doesn't Take Over the Enterprise
(Red Herring).
NT for the IT Sophisticate, Win/98 for Consumers, Linux for Small Business?
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