Quelques articles récents sur les logiciels libres, en anglais:
- Andreessen plugs Linux, News.com, April 24, 1998.
(Marc Andreessen told a meeting of the Massachusetts Software Council today that he expects Linux to gain status as a serious operating system for corporate use, and said it may even challenge Windows NT at some point.)
- Sentiment Growing for Freeware, John Markoff, New-York Times, April 13,
1998. [Se loger avec ``cypherpunk'' comme login et comme password.]
- You've got a source, The Guardian, April 23, 1998.
- Why Netscape's source code causes geeks to swoon,
Laura Lemay, Salon Magazine, April 13, 1998.
- Free the Windows source code? Scott Rosenberg, Salon, April 22, 1998.
- Freeware goes corporate, Lynda Radosevich, Infoworld, April 20, 1998.
- Will freeware really scare Microsoft?
Michael Vizard, Infoworld, April 20, 1998.
- Open Source Pioneers Explore Ways to Expand Use and Acceptance of Open
Source Software Web Wantage, 15 Apr 98.
- Let my software go Andrew Leonard, Salon Magazine, 04/14/98
- Operative word for OS: free
Simson L. Garfinkel, Boston Globe Online / Business, 04/16/98.
- Freeware Sparks Political Movement, ZDNet, Inter@ctive Week,
April 20, 1998.
- Where do you want to go tomorrow?, Feed Mag, april 17, 1998.