Une synthèse de la réunion, par Russell Nelson (Crynwr Software).
Eid Eid said (as head of corelcomputer) that all the system software for the NetWinder (their desktop computer originally envisioned as a Java thin client but which is now a Linux desktop) will be under the GPL. He noted that, if you want to be a major player, you can't play by Microsoft's rules. IBM couldn't do it with all their resources. Nobody can. You must build success elsewhere. Freedom is the key to that success.
He pointed out that restricting distribution of your software is only a small part of creating value. Particularly for a hardware company such as his, the OS is infrastructure.
Michael Cowpland said that he was proud to become a part of the Linux community. He committed to making native ports of all Corel software to Linux. He liked the idea of the OS being free and open. He likes Java, but Java is building slower than Linux. Java can act as the glue to pull various bits together.
On peut également lire la transcription complète de la conférence, et [09/05/98] l'annonce officielle de Corel Computer, Corel joins Linux fest (Erich Luening, C|NET).