Jean-Marc Orliaguet: has ported (in fact totally rewrote) CPSSkins for Zope3. The "main content area" (the place where the current document or folder is displayed) is now a portlet like all the other portlets.
Ph. von Weitershausen: we need a common vocabulary for portlets, pagelets, whatever. Otherwise it gets confusing.
Tres Seavers: has worked on the pipeline machinery. The point is to be able to define series of transformations that apply to an input. A pipeline is a list of callable objects. For example, a pipeline that converts an XML document to a DOM, then does something to the DOM like adding some elements, then converts it back to a string. The code for pipeline itself is not very interesting.
Tarek Ziadé / Godefroid Chappelle: AJAX development for Zope = AZAX. We have created a model where yuo creat .azax files that are combined with .pt files, and a preprocessor creates on the fly the JavaScript code that is included in the HTML page. Everything else is standard AJAX. The benefit for the developer is that he/she doesn't have to write complex JS code.
Florent Guillaume: after I started coding a proxy model for Z3, I realized that the proxy model is too complex and that there are many risks associated. And I've decided to go back to a more traditional model with checkins/checkouts. I'll be presenting that at EuroPython tomorrow.