Seam 1.1 beta1 released


Gavin King has released last week the first beta of JBoss Seam 1.1, but hasn’t made any spectacular announcement for it, besides a post in the JBoss Seam forum.

According to his release notes, the major new features of Seam 1.1 are:

  • The Seam Application Framework for data-oriented applications
  • Asynchronous methods and events
  • Integration of Ajax4JSF for partial page refresh
  • New concurrency model for Ajax-based applications
  • Efficient clustering of Seam-managed extended persistence contexts and JavaBean components
  • Support for atomic conversations
  • Enhanced configuration via components.xml
  • Exception handling via annotations or exceptions.xml
  • Page parameters for RESTful applications
  • Page fragment caching via <s:cache/>
  • “Decoration” of invalid input via <s:decorate/>
  • Themes
  • Support for the Sun JSF 1.2 reference implementation

Michael Yuan, author of the upcoming Prentice Hall Seam Book, also has some comments on the new features.

As developers of the Nuxeo 5 open source ECM platform, which relies heavily on Seam for its web presentation layer, we are both excited by this new release, and curious about other projects (open source or not) that are using the Seam framework.