The final (GA) release of Nuxeo EP 5.2 should be ready in less than a month now. Here are some notes on how we plan to proceed with the final sprint until the release:
you will find below a list of the issues we’d like to address before the release (some of them might already have been addressed).
most of these issues have been affected to teams or developers, who are working on them during this sprint.
so next release, 5.2 RC, is scheduled in two weeks (Friday 27th) and hopefully will be feature-complete (and fairly stable).
the final release will happen after some testing and eventual bugfixing, hopefully less than a couple of weeks later.
the Jira ( has been updated accordingly (almost, it’s not completely in sync with the list below, we will try a slightly different system when we will start planning the next releases to ensure that the Jira state accurately reflects the products and release backlogs).
Ensure Java 6 compatibility for webservices:
The build will remain in Java 5, but we will support deployment on a 1.6 JVM.
There are some errors in the logs while processing some events. This seems to only happend for specific events (emptyDocumentModelCreated), but this still needs to be checked and fixed. We should also unit test all async listeners since it’s now possible.
Data Migration:
We need to be able to migrate content from the JCR backend to the new VCS (SQL-based) backend.
We still have the “old” webservice based in JBossWS and JAX-RPC.
These needs to go away :
=> We will migrate the 3 WS (Audit, Core, IndexingGateway) to Metro.
Visible Content Store (aka VCS, aka Visible SQL, aka SQL repository):
Annotations: It must be possible to delete an annotation.
Packaging cleanup:
We need to check the packaging :
UI cleaup on JSF WebApp:
Some look & feel work will be done by GUnit team.
We will also do some cleanup :
More FileManager plugins:
Picture book:
Finish WebWorkspace
Update and align sample project on 5.2 GA
Complete / update the Nuxeo Book and the Nuxeo tutorials
Extend audits views:
We can easily provide for each workspace a timeline of what happends. As a default implementation there will be no security filtring on event logs.
Show case for NXThemes and WebWidgets:
=> use it for the default DashBoard
Mail Drop box:
The idea is to reuse the sceduled email fetcher to feed an InBox associated to each workspace
=> Have an email adresse for each workspace
=> Add a mailto link to workspace summary
Add a WSS URL to each workspace summary to enable direct access via WSS clients.
GWT integration:
Search Center will be the showcase for GWT integration.
We should release the connector and the samples, and communicate how to use them via some blogs.
Thumbs management and nice web folder contents view
Smart Folder / Saved search
UserWorkspace improvements