We have made a new .deb package of Nuxeo DM for Debian and Ubuntu.
The final (GA) release of Nuxeo EP 5.2 should be ready in less than a month now.
We’re still working very hard on the 5.2 M4, which has been delayed one more week and should be ready by the end of this week.
My keynote presentation at the Nuxeo DevDay last Monday was called “The Nuxeo Way: using open source to build a world-class open source ECM platform”.
I’m pleased to announce that we are organizing, with the help of several other people, the first “big event” in the Nuxeo Community: the Nuxeo Developer Day.
I'm at the Z3ECM sprint in EuroPython 2005 and I've spent yesterday trying to play with the JCR (Java Content Repository aka JSR-170) trying to understand how easy it would be to how a Zope content management system into a JCR (short answer: not easy - despite of claims of interoperability, JCR is a 100% Java technology).
Here is the wrap up for the sprint that just happened in Nuxeo's premises in Paris this week.
Jerome Kalifa nous apprend que le Centre de Maths Appliquées de l'Ecole Polytechnique recherche un administrateur système à mi-temps et un ingenieur recherche maths appliquees plein temps, si possible gourou informatique tant qu'on y est.
J'étais vendredi aux journées du libre à Strasbourg.
1 - L'Ordinateur Individuel de janvier, n°102, écrit sur Linux dans sa rubrique "Actualités" à propos de la commercialisation par Corel d'ordinateurs entièrement sous Linux : le Netwinder LC et 2 serveurs sous Linux.