Recent blog posts
- Comments on the SHARE IT Act (2025-01-14)
- Un article du Monde sur le logiciel libre (2025-01-07)
- Euro Stack Conference notes (sept. 2024) (2024-11-19)
- EU Linux (2024-11-18)
- Summary of the OSPOs for Good 2024 Conference (2024-07-20)
My companies (current and former)
I'm the founder and CEO of Abilian, a company which develops enterprise information management solutions based on open source software.
Previously, I founded Nuxeo in 2000, and served as its CEO from 2000 to 2008, then as its executive chairman from 2008 to 2011. Nuxeo went to become the second largest open source ECM vendor and was eventually bought by Hyland for M$ 150 in 2021.
➜ More about my business activities
My involvement in the open source ecosystem
Open source organisations (France, Europe)
I have cofounded and led several organizations dedicated to developing the open source ecosystem in France and Europe:
APELL (2020), the European Open Source Software Business Association (Association Professionnelle Européenne du Logiciel Libre). I'm serving as a board members since 2020, and as the chairman in 2022.
CNLL (2010), the French National Council of Free / Open Source Companies. I'm serving as co-chairman since 2016.
GTLL (2007), the business and innovation cluster for open source in the Paris Region (part of the Systematic Paris Region cluster). I've served as its chairman between 2009 and 2019.
The Open World Forum / Paris Open Source Summit (2008), yearly conference dedicated to open source and "open everything" in Paris (since 2008).
EuroLinux (2000), a federation of European open source associations, that was formed to fight software patents between 2000 and 2005.
AFUL (1998), the french-speaking Linux and free software users association. I served as its chairman from 1998 to 2003.
Other organisations
European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud (since 2021): the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud is a public-private partnership that aims to foster the development and deployment of next generation edge and cloud technologies.
Euclidia (since 2021): the European Cloud Industrial Alliance (EUCLIDIA) is an industry alliance made up of SMEs active in the cloud industry. Members are cloud SMEs that develop and supply hardware or software for IaaS, PaaS or SaaS, and which are majority owned by European-based shareholders.
Cap Digital (since 2020): the Paris Region Digital Content and Services Competitiveness Cluster. I've bee a member since 2020.
Systematic Paris Region (2007-2019): the Paris Region Digital Systems and Software Competitiveness Cluster.
Open source projects
I'm also the founder or a cofounder of several open source projects, including:
Nua - a self-hosted PaaS and application marketplace.
Olapy - an experimental OLAP engine based on Pandas.
Abilian SBE - Abilian Social Business Engine - an enterprise social networking / collaboration platform.
Apache Stanbol - a set of reusable components for semantic content management.
Apache Chemistry - a set of implementations of the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) specification.
Nuxeo EP - content management platform to build modern business applications
Nuxeo CPS - the Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server.
➜ More about my open source activities
Web sites and applications
Joinux - Joinux - Resources for the F/OSS ecosystem.
Guide des solutions Open Source - a guide to open source solutions for business.
Linux Center - a time capsule of the Linux ecosystem in 1999-2001.
Additional resources
➜ Talks I have given (presentations, lectures...)
➜ Things I have written (articles, books, papers...)
➜ My blog (including ancient and outdated stuff)