

I started "blogging" (I don't think the term had been invented yet) in December 1997, at the time when Linux and free software were starting to take of as credible alternatives to Unix and Windows NT for business IT. I stopped in October 1999, for reasons I don't remember.

After a few years off, I resumed blogging in 2005, with a focus on my business as a Python and Zope, then later Java, company, but also covering other subjects related to free / open source software, including software patents.

You can read these posts, most of them about companies and ideas that have either passed away, or are now considered mainstream, in the archives.

Op-eds and interviews

Technical White Papers and Booklets

I have authored or co-authored several white papers, including:

I also wrote the forewords of the following booklets:

Market Studies and Policy Papers

I have contributed to the following studies (wrote the whole or parts of the document, designed the study with the contractor...):

Press Releases

I wrote or co-wrote most of the press releases for Nuxeo between 2000 and 2008. See the archive on LinuxPR for some examples (in English).

As the president of AFUL, the French-speaking Linux and Free Software Users Association, from 1998 to 2003, I wrote or co-wrote most the press releases during this period. See this list on the AFUL website.

Scientific Papers

I've published several scientific papers. According to Google Scholar, my h-index is 10 (256 citations).

Computer Science

I have written (or contributed to) a small number of scientific papers on computer science (more specifically, on software engineering and information management) since 1999:


I started my career as a mathematician. Here is the list of my publications, from 1991 to 1999:

My publication list on MathSciNet: http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search/publications.html?pg1=IID&s1=328067


I wrote the prefaces for two programming books about Python:

Back in the 90s, I co-wrote three undergraduate level mathematics books, with my friends Antoine Chambert-Loir and Vincent Maillot:


See this section.